Aug 28 2023 8:22PM

Climate Crisis Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions

Rising CO2 levels: According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the concentration of CO2 in the air surpassed 410 ppm (parts per million) in 2021, the highest level in at least 3 million years. This increase is mainly due to activities such as burning fossil fuels and converting forests into agricultural land.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Climate change: Atmospheric carbon dioxide (1751-2022)

Increasing extreme weather events: The frequency of extreme storms and heavy rainfall has been on the rise in recent decades, as stated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The intensity of these storms is also increasing, causing severe damage to regions around the world.

Escalating extreme weather: Two decades of unprecedented surges
Escalating extreme weather: Two decades of unprecedented surges

Impact of plastic waste: The Atlantic Ocean Environmental Protection Association reports that around 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the sea each year. This negatively affects marine ecosystems, harms marine life, and can lead to pollution of the food chain consumed by humans.

Rise in ocean plastic pollution 'unprecedented'
Rise in ocean plastic pollution 'unprecedented'

Impact of industry on climate change: The industrial sector contributes to about 52% of total greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Global Footprint Network. Using environmentally friendly products can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases generated from production and transportation processes.

Climate change industry
Climate change industry

Examples of Environmentally Friendly Products:
Electric cars: Electric cars do not produce harmful emissions and have lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to internal combustion engine cars.

Vinfast VF7
Vinfast VF7

Bamboo cups, reusable straws, recycled material products: Using products made from recycled materials can help reduce plastic waste and minimize the depletion of natural resources.
The global climate situation is facing numerous challenges, and our choices regarding everyday products can significantly impact this situation. Using environmentally friendly products not only helps mitigate the effects of climate change but also preserves the environment and creates a sustainable future for future generations.